Recensione Liquidi Five Pawns Taken Three
“The Pawn Drip tips and the liquid bottles sitting on our tables initially reminded us of the shape of a pawn. The official dictionary definition defines a Pawn as: 2. (noun) Someone or something who is used or manipulated to further another person’s purposes. We thought of our liquid much like the “pawn.” It’s fitting that the game of chess (a sophisticated and complex game) uses the pawn. The pawn moves only forward and is often sacrificed (much like our liquid).We decided to start with five complex and sophisticated flavors. Additionally, there are five traditional tastes known to man; sweet, bitter, sour, salty, and umami (which is described as savory). Our offering has a flavor that satisfies one of each of the five tastes. Hence the name Five Pawns and “It’s your move…”MissionThe strengths of Five Pawns are our people and our insatiable need to serve our customers. We believe if you empower people; our employees, business partners, and customers that you create an organization, a product, a vision and lifestyle that will stand the test of time and inspire all that encompasses this ecosystem. We promise to always innovate while holding true to our core values of People, Product, and Service. Welcome to the Five Pawns Family.The ProcessEverything is made by hand and in very small batches. As you’ll see on our bottle and packaging labels, all numbers match and our batches generally consist of 500 bottles per lot. Our blends and manufacturing facility have been a labor of love. As a matter of fact, the first five offerings (Signature Series) were in development for about six months before being released. All of our blends result in a 50% VG / 50% PG combination and come only in 30ml bottles. Flavors are comprised of both artificial and often natural base ingredients and we offer each flavor in 0mg, 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, and 18mg nicotine strengths.”
Nicotina: 3 Mg
Quantità: 10 ml
Hardware Utilizzato: Expromizer V2.1
Resistenza: 1,2 Ohm
L’isolani è un connubio perfetto di crema,biscotto,zucchero e scorza di limone.Il miglior liquido alla torta e (non solo) al limone mai assaggiato.L’aroma risulta essere ottimamente bilanciato e nonostante la prevalenza di aromi cremosi e dolci non risulta stucchevole anche nel lungo periodo.Veramente un ottimo liquido.
Nicotina: 3 Mg
Quantità: 10 ml
Hardware Utilizzato: Expromizer V2.1
Resistenza: 1,2 Ohm
Il Kibitzer è un liquido formato prevalentemente da due aromi:1)La torta alla vaniglia e 2)L’ananas (per nulla chimica).La svapata risulta essere molto armoniosa e rilassante.Il sapore REALE dell’ananas è un qualcosa di spettacolare.Ahimè non ho mai trovato aromi così fedeli al frutto.Unica nota negativa è che avrei leggermente alzato la % di aromatizzazione.
Colore:Marrone Scuro
Nicotina: 3 Mg
Quantità: 10 ml
Hardware Utilizzato: Expromizer V2.1
Resistenza: 1,2 Ohm
L’aroma principale è quello della Boston Cream Pie di Capella(l’ho utilizzato molto in passato e sono sicuro che sia quello)condito da una lieve spruzzata di banana matura.Un liquido buono ma che non grida al miracolo come i due sopracitati.Attenzione che frantuma le resistenze dopo pochi ml.